
Fixies | when biking turns ace


I just wanted to make a point.
It's nice, healthy & sustainable : fixies are bikes for cool people !

Yeah, since you live in Berlin, London, Paris or New-york city you might have seen those colorful bikes called fixies bcs of their fixed gears. Its right between 70's & futuristic style : owners pay a lot of attention to details - newly painted frames / brand new modern handlebar / branded pneumatic tires / clean chain

Hence, to enter the fixies community you'll have to match criteria :
- you live & work & hang out in a nice & central area in major capital cities ;-)
- you don't walk anymore, you RIDE
- you clearly want to be mass-distincted
- you'll respect the dress code : no suits and ties unless its from a nice designer
- you don't wear helmet (only bcs they are not fit enough for fixies riders)
- you'll train before riding in public : feet are fasten to pedals and there is no brake lever!

tips :

best shop in Paris 75010
website / blog

convert a road framed bike to fixed wheel
collection of fixies from around the world
my birthday is in few days, i think i match the criteria


  1. yep, my creative director got one, a golden one, really nice. Might consider to get one too but I'm too lazy

  2. Those bikes are definitely trendy, so much better than velib in Paris :)


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