Far from the german cliché, this district is the center of alternative and independent art, in the country and much more. Mostly students & artists from all over the world have been settlled there. Independent musicians, painters, photographers, graphic & fashion designers, producers, writers, or actors bring a strong creative athmosphere.
Nordic inspirations is all around but not only. Because of its cosmopolitan side, this district could be compared with Williamsburg, in NYC
Cheap brunches, small boutiques, galleries, underground clubs, bar & restaurants appear/disapear for couples of years. Past has been cleverly ereased : i.e the Kulturbrauerei, an old brewery has been transformed in a cultural center with gigs, theatre, bars and restaurants.
Some would say its already too late, its quite touristic now and inhabitants seem to move in another future emerging trendy district, friedrichshain.
Far from major cities way of life, east-berlin remains appart.
Tips for the Prenzlauerberg district :- best currywürst : down the U-bahn station Eberswalderstrasse
- best food experience : der Imbiss W, Kastanienallee 49
- best shops : second hand shops, good one : Humana, corner Schönhauser and Danziger strasse.
- best flea market : on Sundays, Arkonaplatz.
Glad you still speak about the currywurst !